Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May Day! May Day!

That's how I was feeling about 11:00 AM on May 1st (a.k.a. "May Day"). I had just returned from one intense week in Atlanta, after which I was given the formal "thumbs up" to help start new churches in the PCA, and was feeling exhausted already. Now some scheduling changes made me wonder if my licensure exams (the first half of the ordination process) would have to be pushed back a couple months. So at 11:00 AM, in the middle of an intense theological examination with the pastors overseeing my ordination, where my mind was fuzzy and feeling overwhelmed, a friend climbing a mountain hundreds of miles away felt led to pray for me - in the middle of her climb - but didn't know why. The next day she told me of the odd time and place where she felt led to pray. I then told her what was happening at that time, and how that moment was the turning point for me. By the end of my "May Day" my mind was clear, my heart settled, and I had passed my exams with flying colors. I left that experience even more convinced that God works through our prayers. Thank you all for your prayers for myself and the work God is doing here in Las Vegas.

1 comment:

  1. Keith, I love that answer to prayer. God has really been dazzling me with answers to prayer, lately, and it encourages me to hear what He's doing for you!
