Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"My Drug Dealer Led Me To The Lord"

That’s what a stagehand named Billy told us as we met for breakfast one morning. Over 2 decades after his unusual conversion he now helps recruit for a Bible study for others who work at the same show. Last week 2 from our church attended this “between shows” Bible study to see what it looks like to reach out to those whose lives (and schedules) revolve around the hospitality and entertainment industry that drive the Vegas economy. We’ve seen that it takes a certain boldness and sensitivity, such that few have attempted it and even fewer have been able to connect with the workers while doing it. Yet God is at work there. Others have gone before us in establishing this type of ministry, and we long to see what role we might play in seeing it continue. Those working behind the scenes at the many Vegas attractions on the Strip need to see that Christ’s church is not afraid to meet them where they’re at. They too are precious in His sight.

ATL -> STL -> PTL!

This month has been full of travels. Before coming home to Nebraska for Thanksgiving and meeting a seminary roommate at the Grand Canyon (pictured above), I was in Atlanta (the ATL) for a weekend of training. While there I was greatly encouraged to meet many who have been and will soon be supporting God’s work in Vegas in various ways. On the way back I stopped in St. Louis (the STL) to reconnect with old friends while sharing what God has been doing in Las Vegas. I also got to answer some questions from those considering a Vegas visit to see if God might be leading them to join us here. A few told me they were praying for the “A-Team” here [see post: “I (Heart) Atheists”]. The following week I was hanging out with this same group when I witnessed one of them, a professing Atheist, start recruiting her friends to come hear me preach at Christmas. What?! It was a wonderful reminder that God works through people’s prayers. All I can say is “Praise the Lord” (PTL)!

4:44 on 2-20

On Sunday, February 20th at 4:44 PM (tentative time), we plan on launching public worship for City-Wide Redeemer – Paradise. Paradise is a community of nearly a quarter-million people sandwiched between the cities of Las Vegas and Henderson and home to the Las Vegas Strip, McCarran Airport, and the UNLV campus (with its 28,000 students). Of the tens of millions of people that visit Las Vegas each year, most all of them arrive, stay and play in Paradise. If you’ve heard of it, it’s probably in Paradise. What we’ve noticed, though, is that most Christian churches tend to locate outside this region, or maybe on the perimeter. We want to plant a church right in the heart of it.

We are hoping to have monthly “preview” worship services leading up to the February launch. Many we know would come to something like this that are not already a part of ours or any other church. In the meantime this venture will take lots of prayer, preparation, gathering, prayer, networking, fundraising, finding the right place for worship, oh and prayer too. It’s been encouraging to see those who were once uncertain about their relationship with our church as a whole are now eager to do whatever is needed to help launch this new site. This, again, is in answer to your prayers. Thank you again for all your support, and Happy Thanksgiving.