PBJ volunteers preparing "Survival Backpacks" for 40 homeless |
One night in October I thought we could help better connect with a spiritual seeker (whom I randomly met bowling) by planning to take the unused food from a potluck dinner to some of the homeless she knew living by the Strip. Somehow, due to a miscommunication, she ended up not coming that night. As we drove around randomly looking for the homeless (since we’d lost the one person who knew where they stayed) we met a community of 20 homeless that sticks together for safety and support. Upon meeting them and hearing their stories God started doing something in the hearts of those in our Missional Community. By the end of the night they were already planning their next trip to do the same.
A few weeks later “Park Bench Justice” (PBJ) was born out of our Missional Community (www.facebook.com/ParkBenchJustice). Since then it’s grown beyond what any of us could have imagined. Every week we’re meeting new people coming to join us for our bi-weekly deliveries to 30-45 of the most needy in our city. They include people from other churches, people who have walked away from church, and people who never claimed one to begin with. The week before Christmas over 20 came out to help us pack and deliver “survival backpacks” (pictured above) full of supplies to help them through the winter. Recently we've been able to help 2 of them get off the streets and into housing, with another couple about to do the same this week, once his disability check arrives. Most of them, having experienced life on the streets, are now eager to help in any way they can. Many of them have joined us for worship services, 2 of whom are also in a discipleship group. Our Christmas Eve service, which was half newcomers, included 4 we had just fed that afternoon and 1 Mormon PBJ volunteer who hadn’t been to any church since her mother died 2 years ago.
Christ is growing his church as his people respond to his call to be the church. And he’s doing it in such a way that we can’t take credit for it. People are beginning to serve out of gifts and passions we (and maybe even they) didn’t know were there. In the process we’re seeing rapid spiritual growth as living “on mission” stretches them to the place where they see their need of God’s enabling power, and rejoice at what He’s doing in, around and through them. The culture and feel of the church has totally changed from when we first launched. It’s not what we had planned. It’s probably something better.
Please be in prayer for those serving in and being reached by this new endeavor. Please pray for endurance for those offering the most time and energy to this ministry. Pray that the resources necessary to keep this going are provided. Pray that hearts are united as the gospel goes forth in both word and deed. Pray for guidance as we seek how this development might affect our current ministry priorities and direction. Finally, pray for protection for us all as the Enemy loves to steal and kill and destroy, especially when Jesus is using his people to bring life and hope to dark places. Thank you.