We regularly find ourselves laughing with delight at what God is doing here in Vegas, including...
- A new couple we met Sunday morning. It was apparently their first time in a church, and they want to come back.
- A young woman who says she's "not much for blind faith," but was delighted when we offered to help her understand faith in Jesus.
- Seeing God meet very tangible needs in very unexpected ways. Too many examples to list here.
Viva (in) Las Vegas
Living in a town that caters largely to those who don't live here year-round takes its toll on those who do. Working in a "24-hour city" means many work odd shifts that frequently leave people (including spouses and their children) seeing each other much less. The stories I heard of life growing up in Vegas nearly brought me to tears. I've also noticed that relationships of trust are hard to form here. I'm beginning to see why. In less that 5 weeks I've already been asked to buy stolen merchendise twice, then told by one local to just buy it "hot," since it's cheaper that way and the real owner will never get it back anyway. One co-worker even told me, "Everybody is trying to scam you here." As sad as this may be, it only makes authentic Christian community stand out more. The purpose of the Missional Communities that we're starting here is, not only to serve the needs of this city, but also to create a visible presence that demonstrates how the gospel transforms people, relationships, and even whole communities.
Items for prayer...
Thank you to those whose have been praying for my time of transition. God has graciously provided many good friendships in just the past week. I've also been blessed by temporary free housing and more DJ work that expected. Together they have helped bridge the current gap between my funding and my financial needs. Please pray that God continues to provide for the work he has called us to here.